I told Alex he could have one cookie for dessert.
About an hour later, while I was busy working on a newsletter for school and very distracted, Alex snuck into the pantry and stole another cookie.
I caught him right in the middle of pulling his hand out of the bag. Our conversation went like this:
Me: Alex, what in the world are you doing?
Alex: Well, I was just having a cookie.
Me: I said you could have one tonight. You already ate one.
Alex: Well, you said that if I touch food, I can't put it back. I have to eat it. I have already touched the cookie.
Me: I cannot believe you are trying that on me!
Alex: You made the rule, not me. Please can I have it? Just this one time.
Me: You aren't getting it.
Alex: Pleeeeeease!
Me: (being the softy that I am) Fine, you can have half--the half that you touched.
Alex: Yessss!
Alex then very carefully broke the cookie in "half". Only his half wasn't exactly half, it was more like three-fourths.
Smiling as he walked away, he knew that he played me.