Somehow, my little girl has turned 4. I don't know where the time
has gone! Lindsay has completely changed our lives. I love how
she looks at the world. She's also changing how the world looks
at her. I love that she is changing the world's expectations of what
most people think of people with Down syndrome.
At four years old, Lindsay:
*loves going to school-She says hi and bye to her classmates. One typical
little girl said that Lindsay was her best friend. We love her school. Her
vocabulary has shot through the roof. She has so many people that
are looking out for her.
*still has a limited menu. I have promised (threatened) her that we
will be working on this issue during the summer.
*mimics her brother's every move. This often takes my breathe away
with the daring stunts that she performs, but she always thinks
she's hilarious.
*is still a good sleeper. When she's not sleepy, she will dump out
her dresser so that clothes are scattered all over her floor.
However, she always helps me pick them up and put
them back in the drawers.
*is starting to use 3 words together. I know this is way behind
where other 4 year olds are, but it's progress for her.
*understands just about everything you say to her. She doesn't
always act like she understands, but she does. She has a stubborn
streak in her.
*still loves her music. She HAS to listen to her CDs in the car. She
knows all the words and sings along. I'm so tired of hearing the
same songs over and over, but I love that little voice.
*thinks getting into trouble is funny. She will do things that
she knows she's not supposed to do. She'll look you straight in the
eye, do it and then laugh about it. She loves to tease.

We took the family to the Lazy Five Ranch to celebrate. Lindsay
was hesitant at first about the animals, but she finally got into
feeding them.