Friday, July 31, 2009

Times have changed...thank goodness!

We met Lindsay's new PT today. We loved her previous PT, but she took a job to be closer to her home. Who could blame her?

The new PT has a 37 year old brother who has Down syndrome. He lives independently with some roommates, but has people check in on them. The thing that struck me the most was the story of his birth. His mother had no idea that he had Down syndrome. After birth the doctor told her that he was a mongoloid and suggested that he be starved to death. Luckily, she found support in another person who encouraged her to keep him.

It is astonishing that this was the attitude only 37 years ago. I could never imagine giving Lindsay up or letting something bad happen to her just because she wasn't "perfect". The thought never even entered my mind after her diagnosis. Dan and I can't imagine our life without Lindsay.

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